Note to self: Sunrises in the EAST

So what I envisioned this morning was hooking up with Beth at 6 a.m., parking the car at the bottom of the hill you have to climb to get to our lot and hitting the top as the sun was coming up to enjoy a beautiful view at sunrise from our new property.

Umm. That isn’t quite what happened. Beth did show up at 6 – and it was very dark and raining pretty hard. We put on ugly hats, raincoats and our running shoes and headed out.

We drove to the neighborhood and parked the car, when she turned out the lights on the car – it was too dark to see ANYTHING – there are no street lights, no homes yet built, nothing to shed any ambient light.

We get out of the car and start trekking up the hill, it is very, very steep. Out of the dark I hear Beth say to me, “Where are you going???” My response: “I didn’t think you’d see me scoot away from you in the dark. I was embarrassed that I was sucking wind up this hill, and didn’t want you to hear.”

When we finally crested the hill, we A.) remembered that we weren’t going to see the sun rise over the Bay, since the sun rises in the EAST. Duh. and B.) Since anyways, it was still dark, we crested the hill and had this amazing view of the Tillamook City Lights (I drove Chuck and the kids up there after dinner to get the same view). I did a happy lot dance when I first saw the lights, despite the sore thighs and shins. (Beth mentioned how great our asses are going to look once we start running up this hill).

We walked all around my neighborhood to be and went back to the car. It was still dark.


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