We are working on the next CIC gig. I explained to Candy that when Charlie watched his dad setting up for the Halloween party, turning the electric guitar, setting up drums and plugging in the rented disco lights, from the look on the boy’s face he could have had a backstage pass to a Stones concert or something. Knowing this party was going to be drowned in alcohol and full of half- naked sluttily dressed women, I knew it wasn’t an event at which he could stay, but it made me realize it was time for a family friendly Christ I’m Chuck event.

So – at Candy’s urging - we have decided on a barn dance. (Chris balked slightly at the term “barn dance” too square dancy sounding not so much rock and roll? Rock the Barn? Farmstock?)

Candy proposed having the band play up on the second story, above the sawdust covered barn floor, with the wood stove fired-up warming the adoring fans. Her answer to concerns about hauling up amps and drums to the second story of the barn involved pallettes and the kobota tractor. The barn is huge, the property can accommodate lots of people and lots of noise, it’s perfect. We are aiming for a February billing date, and I’m working on a guest and snack list (both of which will be very long) as we speak. I have also put in some early song requests.

Chuck and Charlie were playing Proud Mary the other night, Charlie picking up the chords on the piano. I’m hoping the boy will get to play along for a couple songs.


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