Hi Honey! I'm Home!

A glimpse of what it is like to come home after two days on the road for work:
I walk in the door to shouts of, “Mama’s home!!!” as I'm tackled by 180 pounds of children.
Chuck comes up to me and says, “Don’t kiss me.”
Then in rapid succession I’m hit with:
1. "Samantha got in trouble in school today for trying to tie her shoes together during circle time." (Apparantly this violates both the “Be Safe" and "Be Responsible" rules at Liberty Elementary).
2. "The refridgerator glass shelves broke. It's nobody's fault."
3. "Charlie is rushing through his schoolwork. See? He misidentified a quarter and said that 630-280 is 360. What are we going to do about this?"

It is so good to be missed! At least Magda wanted to kiss me.

 She's quite sweet, but I'm not all that big on dog kisses. My goal is to avoid them all together. I much prefer man kisses.


Anonymous said…
O.K. - The don't Kiss ME!! was in response to the fact that Miss Deb was complaining endlessly the last two days that she was SICK!!!

Do I want that? NO!

I love her - but don't mouth kiss me when you are sick!
Anonymous said…
And another thing - don't be complaining about not getting kissed after you have spent the last two conversations telling the kisser (me) that the kissee (Miss Deb) IS SICK!!!!!!

Jay zus krist
Deborah said…
you know. I have the power to delete comments. Especially ones that say "don't mouth kiss me." How else exactly, dear, do you want to be kissed?

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