No gaywalking

Highlights from the morning walk to school worth sharing:

Yesterday while I was walking the kids to school, Samantha started to cross the street in the middle of the block ten feet or so behind us. Her older brother noticed and freaked out yelling, “Stop! Sammie! You cannot do that, you are jay walking!” I didn’t stop and really explain the problem, I guess I figured she should have known better. On the way in this morning it was just Samantha and I and we hit the same spot in the road, and she asks, “Mama? why is that gaywalking?” I completely got the giggles imagining some flamboyant wiggly walk with limp wrists as something we were going to parentally prevent.

Ego Boost of the Day (EBOD) – on the next block we passed a house under construction. As we walked by Sammie tells me, “Mama. That man building the house is staring at you for a very long time.” grin. My reply: “That’s cause I’m pretty, baby.”

When we passed Charlie waiting at his bus stop for the school bus I yelled at the top of my lungs, “HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Just to see if I could embarrass him. Although all the other kids looked at me like I was a dork, didn’t seem to phase the boy. I told Sammie, I should have called him “sweetbottom”. That’d of turned his face red. I think it is going to be too much fun raising adolescents, once we get there. I’m sure I can find lots of ways to embarrass him as it becomes more and more important to be cool in front of his friends.

I left Samantha at the Elementary school gym with our standard sign off (in Spanish since her two weeks in an immersion school this summer)

mama: ¿Quien te quiere? (who loves you?)
sammie: Tu (you)
mama: ¿Cuanto te quiero? (how much )
sammie: Muchisimo! (So much!)


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