I shouldn't be left to my own devices in SoCal too long. Blue!
After a long day of training for work, and schmoozing, I decided to go for a little vanity fix at the closest strip mall. I started at “Colorme nails salon” and somehow walked out with blue, flowered toenails.
Then! I went tanning. I never go tanning, I’m content as a very pasty Oregonian in the winter, and a little bit of a golf tan in the summer, figuring it will do me well in old age to show this much restraint. However, when traveling to Southern California, I figured it should at least appear I saw the sun, even if reality dictates I spend all my daylight hours in an office.
Just a stone’s throw away from the Woodfin Suites, is a Hollywood Tan, with “vertical tanning units” that let you stand up (in High School, when I last indulged in tanning- I remember lying down on these sweaty beds, which was entirely unpleasant). In 8 minutes or less – you can grab a little color all the while listening to teenager music and being blasted with a cooling fan. Since I had done this before on my last business visit, the dark 15 year old blonds working the counter encouraged me to do the max, in addition to smearing myself with the lotion that enhances the tan by 60%! Well, what I should have considered that there are some private parts of my body that NEVER SEE SUNLIGHT. The end result is, although my arms, legs and face are now pleasantly darkened – no one can see me naked because the rest looks like a lobster. That is with the exception of some perfectly round shaped white crescents where my boobs cast a shadow* over my rib cage. Gorgeous I am!! No pictures of that, sorry guys.
*Boob Shadow. Doesn’t that sound like a Cat Stevens song?
I'm bein' followed by a boob shadow
boob shadow
boob shadow.
Leapin' and hoppin' on a boob shadow
boob shadow
boob shadow.
