And in honor of TLAP day...
A pirate goes into a bar.
Bartender notices the pirate has a steering wheel sticking out of his fly.
Bartender says, "hey, buddy, you've got a steering wheel sticking out of
your fly."
Pirate says, "Arr, I know. It's drivin' me nuts."
Props to former boss, and now good friend Joel*, who lives way too far for me to harass as much as I'd like to, for sharing this on this special day.
*You know. Now that I think about it, I claim Joel to be a friend, but I recently received a message from him indicating that I have been replaced by another woman. Here’s his quote:
Never mind. He’s not my friend. Former boss, former friend. And the joke wasn’t that funny anyway I have since been told when I claimed it as my own. Although it did make me laugh.
Bartender notices the pirate has a steering wheel sticking out of his fly.
Bartender says, "hey, buddy, you've got a steering wheel sticking out of
your fly."
Pirate says, "Arr, I know. It's drivin' me nuts."
Props to former boss, and now good friend Joel*, who lives way too far for me to harass as much as I'd like to, for sharing this on this special day.
*You know. Now that I think about it, I claim Joel to be a friend, but I recently received a message from him indicating that I have been replaced by another woman. Here’s his quote:
“To be honest, and I know you’ll hate this, I have been getting surliness from a woman I worked with… The thing is, you abandoned me, and suddenly here’s this surly woman who claims to have hunted down and captured her unsuspecting husband, and claims that her two children are the most beautiful children ever. And did I mention she’s surly? And that she doesn’t know how to skip rocks worth beans? Well, see, there was a void in my life, and was filled, just like magic! Are you two sisters?”
Never mind. He’s not my friend. Former boss, former friend. And the joke wasn’t that funny anyway I have since been told when I claimed it as my own. Although it did make me laugh.