I walked Samantha to school this morning and as we got there, she said, "Mama! Oh no! We have to go back!"
She had forgot a box of pennies that she had put together to contribute to the coin drive Liberty is running for victims of Katrina. I assured her we could bring them in tomorrow, but she looked up at me and said, "Mama, don't you want to help the kids in the Tsunami?" (I didn't correct her, her heart was in the right place, and they were pennies earned loosing teeth). Samantha and I turned back and walked home to get the penny box, which she then spilled all over the floor.
By the time we had things picked up and were ready to walk back to school, Chuck pulled up since he forgot his bag. (maybe we should change our name to the Forgetdorffs). Since he was about to pull out and I wanted to get to work I asked that he drop her off at school. He was driving in the Z3, which we have never let her ride in. You cannot disable the airbags. He looked at me over his glasses and said, "C'mon, mom, it's just a few blocks."
She was thrilled. As she strapped in she looked at him and said, "Pa, does this thing go fast?"
The word is that it was big fun to pull up in front of the school busses in Papa's sports car. Chuck should be careful what he wishes for. I'm not sure he really wants his baby girl to enjoy riding around in fast cars with men.
