Contemplating "weather" or not we should have moved away from Tillamook

I shot this picture on the way to work last April. Beth most accurately captured my thoughts about this phenomenon of Snow on the coast in the Spring by declaring, "Global Warming freaks me out." We need tshirts. 

As I write this now, the following November, from our new home in Eugene - on a fairly innocuous fall day, my friends and former Tillamook neighbors are recovering from a nasty (although not atypical for this time of year) flood. We read a horrifying story last night about friends of ours who were were swept downstream in their SUV and rescued because their 11 year old daughter "crawled through the broken front window and shimmied across a branch of the tree to get to safety" to seek help. You're a hero Maddie and you have friends in Eugene who are very, very glad you and your family are safe. 


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