I have just finally had to pull myself away from our basement. I keep getting lost in time "watching" our laundry.
I woke up this morning trying to rally enthusiasm to drag all our dirty clothes to the Little Cheese Coin Op . Never made it. I did however manage to log onto consumer reports, do a little research and then get down to Roby's and buy a new Maytag Neptune Washer and Dryer set.
There is all these little controls, windows to watch the cleansing action. It is all good happy laundry fun. Chuck accused me of being giddy since I got to spend money – I think I just like nice things. When we moved out the old washer to install the new one, I bubbled, "Wait! I spy with my little eye, something dirty" and pranced over to vacuum and 409 the guk off the floor before putting the new washer there. I guess that was a little much. We have had our old set, which is really a good one and probably very fixable, for 15 years or so. For at least the past five or so I have been coveting a front loading washing machine and a more efficient dryer.