Chuck asked me to explain why there was a dishrag taped to the window. Here's the perfectly logical explanation: I wanted to take pictures of my kids near a north facing window. I wanted to see if I could get that little window light spark thingy in their eyes. It always looks so cool. To do this I had to get them looking out the window. When they got tired of me pointing to the window and saying "Look Here!" Charlie thought it would be preferable to have something to look at. So, obviously he ripped a leaf off of our rubber tree and rubbed some of that weird white plant blood onto the window. When I yelled about destroying the plant and goobing the window, he went to fetch a towel to wipe off the window. Then, he thought the towel itself made a good eye-catcher. So he taped it up. Since the rest of the house is in total chaos, I saw no compelling reason to remove it.
Here's one of the eye spark shots I was after, I think I'm going to call it, "Iliana looking at a dishtowel with plant goob":
