My fun for the day: Started the math group I'm teaching this morning with : "today we are going to learn about Lowest Common Multiples. To calculate LCM you need to first raise your base number to the 4th power. So let's take 5. 5 x 5 is 25, multiply that by 5, which is 125, then again by 5 to get 500. You then take that value and divide it by the first four prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7. But you skip any that are the number you started with and pick up the next one, so it would be divided by 2, 3, 7 and 11. Once you have the result you multiply it by pi cubed and take the square root of the result and multiply the reciprical by 147." I then started handing out work sheets so they could solve the problems. A few brave 5th graders were mumbling "What??" until I clapped and said "April Fools!" Real LCM problems were pretty easy to solve after that scare.


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