Best Thing(s)
My family has a tradition of sharing our "best thing" at the dinner table. It was a ploy started many years ago designed to encourage the kids to expand on "fine" when we asked how their day was. We largely discontinued it after Chuck died. It was hard, we were sad, and we just couldn't for a while come up with anything positive. We never restarted the practice with any regularity even after everyone slowly started to have more good moments. Every now and then we bring it back. Tonight Charlie and Sam went bowling while I was out taking a class, so I came home to an empty house. But I had a lot of "best things" today (which is totally cheating, you should have to pick one), and I wanted to share. So here goes:

- My daughter texted me mid-day and to tell me she wanted to go to Crossfit with me. Max two rep Shoulder Press, jumping rope, burpees, and Push Press reps are so much more fun with my kid busting her butt right next to me at my favorite gym.
- Even though I came home from Scuba Cert class tonight to an empty house, the kids left dinner (whole wheat spaghetti and turkey meatballs that Samantha prepared)- and Charlie called to make sure I knew where it was.
- Knowing it was to be only a five minute visit since I was headed to work, my sweet fiancé stopped by on the way home from a 13 hour graveyard shift, just to say hello. He then joined me part of the way while I walked to work. Side note - the FitBit he got me for my birthday is making me crazy for "steps", thus the new commuting strategy. A bit flummoxed, however, that a one mile walk to work in which I did not break a sweet - gained me 3000 steps, while a Crossfit workout that left me in a whimpering puddle of sweat on the floor, only gave me 1100. Second sidenote: When he came in the house, Tim was on the phone with is father. His father is awesome. He's 86, he plays corn hole, with smak talk. He's funny. He's sharp. And he raised eight kids who still very much enjoy each other's company. Anyways, he put me on the phone to say hello, and dad says to me, "I understand Tim is going to be moving in soon." I said yes, that this was true, since Tim has sold his house and will need a place to live. I then told him that I was going to let Tim stay in the garage. Mr. O'Connor said without missing a beat, "That's a good place for him." He then ended the conversation indicating that he didn't need to talk to Tim again, but just to be sure to thank him for calling ... since it meant he got to speak to me.
- At the encouragement of my newly certified kids, I'm taking my Open Water Certification course through Eugene Skin Divers this summer. It is a hobby they have convinced me that we can and should enjoy together. The more I learn, the more I get excited about what is to come with this new opportunity for adventure.
- Charlie and Sam are enjoying spending time together this summer - playing cards, cooking, helping around the house, playing video games, going to movies, bowling etc. This may be the last summer Charlie spends extended time at home... and I'm so so grateful that they have the relationship that they do. (Although I have to not spend too much time thinking about the end of summer.)
A good day, a good summer, a wonderful family.
