Spring is in the Air
We are preparing for the upcoming Prom in my household. It's going to be a crazy weekend. The girl has a softball tournament, the boy is juggling his prom obligations with participation in a Water Polo tournament that will hopefully qualify his team for the Junior Olympics in Orange County - and he has asked me to host dinner for 25 kids going to the dance (not sure why there is an odd number - or why the number of guests has been climbing all week). It is absurd for me to take this on, but I just couldn't turn him down. The sweet romance of his invitation to his date, alone, had me melting.
Charlie's lined up several friends to hold up giant P - R - O - M - ? letters along his date's ride home from a LaCrosse match. (He was waiting at her house with the '?'). His friends also went above and beyond with scavenger hunts, rose pedals, etc. etc.
Quite a contrast, with say, our generation. A friend recently shared with me that her boyfriend, likely in an attempt to minimize the possibility of rejection, asked her the question - "If I were to ask you to marry me, would you say yes?". Chicken. Anyways - her equally romantic response, was "Well, ya, I dig the shit out of you."