ok - breathe in. After a very long and difficult week, I finally feel like I'm coming up for air. The grief this week has been so acute. Really since New Years Eve - the holiday escape trip coming to an end... starting off 2012 without Chuck, the gloomy weather, I don't know. I have felt like there has been an enormous weight on my chest. I haven't been alone, by yesterday, my daughter had barely slept in two nights and pretty much couldn't function. She stayed home sick - which I almost never let them do. I just didn't know what else to do, she was exhausted and overwhelmed.

Now it is Friday - and I get to look forward to home time with the kids for the next two days until we start over on Monday. We got this.


Leanne said…
Hi, Deb....You have no idea how many times you all are in my thoughts. Being so far away I definitely feel like I'm outside of your real circle of support, but wanted you to know I appreciate your openness about how things are REALLY going, and continue to pray for each one of you as you deal with each day without Chuck. You really would be amazed how often he pops into my mind in the midst of everyday things, and I feel like we had just started to get to know him. But I guess that just speaks to the person he was and the depth of the loss for everyone, especially his family. Everything you share with us about your grieving process as well as the ways you have handled things like the holidays help everyone to know what you're going through, but I have a feeling they are words and ideas that probably are helping other people as they go through grief of their own. Anyway, now I'm starting to ramble, but wanted to pop in and comment. We love you guys.

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