My god that's an Ugly Sweater

It was Aunt Deb’s stroke of genius to have an Ugly sweater contest at our 2007 Mundorff family Christmas gathering.
Charlie’s sweater featuring many, many fuzzy bears, and Grandma Joyce’s angry bird walked away with the top honors at this year’s competition as judged by the cousins. My personal favorites had to be the Lime Green Fred Meyer sweater vest with faux sheep trim Chuck wore, Sean’s Centralia Dress Barn sweater featuring the attached scarf, Darin’s Santa Claus and baby Jesus sweatshirt “(“Keep Christmas spirit in your heart… Most of all, the Jesus part”) and Aunt Deb’s especially glittery around the boobs Value Village sweater.
Our nieces outdid themselves. Joyce’s socks alone were worthy of a prize as was that worn by Rachele “Nothing says Christmas like Blue Doves” Wirrick. California Jenn came in with a subtle yet extraordinarily unfortunate cardigan featuring embroidered poinsettias.
Aunt Darcy came out every hour with a different sweater, each seeming to out do the previous choice.
We giggled the night away. Next year, I’m lobbying for a molded jello salad competition. I still get tears in my eyes every time I click through this book online.