After a long and ridiculously exhaustive search spanning from one end of the country to the other, we finally got our hands on a Nintendo Wii, the desire for which was instigated by Cousin Daniel (now on my bad list). Even Chuck and I, neither of whom like video games, had to admit this is a fun toy.

What makes the Wii vastly superior to the other arsenol of video game systems we possess (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) is that there is no half an hour exasperated explanation required by a 10 year old telling the ignorant adult to push the X button three times and then the triangle and Start to get your guy a special force shield or whatever.. You just pick up a wand and starting flinging it about. Like a tennis racket, a golf club or a fishing rod.

But - this is embarrassing part - after something like 25 Wii tennis matches this weekend, I have a really sore elbow! Video game injuries are decidedly dorky and uncool, right?


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