I'm a time management junkie. I have been an inconsistent user of the Franklin Covey approach for years – but I get overwhelmed frequently by the overdue to dos and the need to keep re-prioritizing, when it seems like what really keeps me charged up and motivated is ticking things off my list of tasks.
David Allen's Book, Getting Things Done, the stress free art of productivity pushes an approach that I am finding extremely helpful lately. Rather than focus on top down (values/mission statement - goals - compass - weekly assignments - daily prioritized tasks, etc.) the emphasis is on clearing out the piles of stuff on your desk, in your head, etc. that is nagging at you to get it done and then turning those things into actionable items. Rather than having a long todo list with things like "06 Taxes" you break it into actionable items to tackle when you have the time and energy. Stuff that your mind doesn't resist tackling.
-Gather year end statements
-Gather donation receipts
-Call Tax preparer for appointment
-Mail paper work to accountant
anyways - I'm a fan - as are about a billion other people online. Very practical. His website is a good entry point...
David Allen's Book, Getting Things Done, the stress free art of productivity pushes an approach that I am finding extremely helpful lately. Rather than focus on top down (values/mission statement - goals - compass - weekly assignments - daily prioritized tasks, etc.) the emphasis is on clearing out the piles of stuff on your desk, in your head, etc. that is nagging at you to get it done and then turning those things into actionable items. Rather than having a long todo list with things like "06 Taxes" you break it into actionable items to tackle when you have the time and energy. Stuff that your mind doesn't resist tackling.
-Gather year end statements
-Gather donation receipts
-Call Tax preparer for appointment
-Mail paper work to accountant
anyways - I'm a fan - as are about a billion other people online. Very practical. His website is a good entry point...