Mighty Fishing Girl!
It was huge big fun to go fishing with my San Diego team members. The views were spectacular - we were on the boat at sunset. And the birds, attracted to our bait were just too cool. Problems when Engineers go fishing - a.) Not sea hearty. At least five people were hanging over the edge at one time or another loosing lunch. I seemed to have sealegs from the crabbing in Tillamook, cause it didn't bother me. b.) Small fish. I pulled 6 in, so was feeling pretty good about my ability to hook them, but never had any I could keep. This may have been agrivated by the fact that the silly engineers kept hurling the bait at the birds, rather than hooking it on their lines.
I was newly charmed by this area. My previous exposure has been taking 805N from the aiport to my office - and going out to dinner after dark. La Jolla, Downtown and the Ocean Sunset were all mesmorizing. I'm determined to get the kids down there with one of these trips and share it with them.
I was newly charmed by this area. My previous exposure has been taking 805N from the aiport to my office - and going out to dinner after dark. La Jolla, Downtown and the Ocean Sunset were all mesmorizing. I'm determined to get the kids down there with one of these trips and share it with them.
