Guilty - even if already prooven innocent.

Every year I manage to get a little bit in the face of my children's educators. We have outstanding teachers this year, but I'm taking issue with the new "Homework Policy" imposed on all the kids at East Elementary (Charlie's school). Each day he comes home with a homework checklist that we have to sign that it was complete - "and that we have provided a quiet place for kids to do their work - and it has been done neatly and accurately."
Today I got in trouble for signing a day ahead, even though they have no homework this week, and Logan's mom got in trouble for not initialing the homework in cursive because it looked forged (Logan is also an outstanding student).

My son has NEVER (in the 5 years in school) missed an homework assignment. He is excelling well beyond his grade levels in all areas. He so doesn't need a homework checklist, and I don't need the daily aggravation of remembering to sign one more piece of paper. I also don't need a school administartor telling me how to encourage good work habits at home and ensuring that I'm communicating with my son about his education. I had to fire off an email today.

Dear Ms. (Charlie's Teacher):

I am not entirely sure of the benefit of the homework checklist. The discussions we are having daily with Charlie – indicating we have to sign it in cursive so that he can’t forge it, that we can’t sign a day ahead, etc. imply to me that there is a problem with his homework completion. I know from meeting with you that this is not the case. Charlie adores school and your classroom and looks forward to completing his work and doing it well. You have been exceptionally skilled at motivating him without making further tracking necessary.

I’d rather not make the child have to act under suspicion when there has never been a problem with turning in work, or completing work in class. It sends the wrong message to a good student. I realize that there are children that need this kind of monitoring, but why impose the same scrutiny on a child that is completing their work without this micromanagement? I’m proud that my son is responsible enough to tell us when he has work from school and diligent enough to complete it on time.

I know this is a school wide policy. I have spoken to a few other parents of strong students and have the distinct impression that this is not being well received by a broader group of parents than myself. I would really appreciate you forwarding these concerns to the administration.

Deborah Mundorff


Good for you, Deborah! I hope they take your letter into consideration. Karli
Anonymous said…
Did you receive a response? Aunt Vicky

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