The Alaskan tourism industry is running a series of billboards touting Alaska as one of the places to see before you die…

Got me thinking about my list of places I’d like to go/things I’d like to do someday:

Got me thinking about my list of places I’d like to go/things I’d like to do someday:
- Victoria Falls
- Pub Crawl in Ireland
- French Quarter in New Orleans. Sadly I did want to experience the music, food and festivities this part of the Gulf Coast is famous for. It is hard to say at this point if that opportunity has come and gone.
- Broadway show in NY
- Octoberfest in Germany
- Villa in Tuscany
- Time at a beach front vacation home in Baja Mexico
- Ellis Island
- Paris
- Golfing in Scotland
- Fly in fishing trip to Alaska
This reminds me of some grief my husband doled out at the golf course the other day. We were matched up with a couple of other golfers, including Clint:
who has since become part of the inner circle. Clint was bemoaning his singleness saying all he wanted was a good looking nympho chic who golfed and liked to fish. I quipped: “Too bad for you I’m taken, that describes me to a tee.” Rather then defend my reputation, Chuck pipes up, “Since when do you fish?” Clint offered up that the fishing was optional. Anyways – we may have hooked up him up (are you impressed that I have managed to use “tee” and “hooked” in a story involving fishing and golf? Christ I’m clever.) Stay tuned for potential updates.