Beth's Thigh

This is a picture of Beth's leg at the 2005 Danskin Triathlon. I didn't run it this year, like I did last. After a few workouts with her this spring, I thought there was a good chance I'd do fine, but I didn't feel I'd earned it. Instead, I hung out with her husband Chris all weekend. We had a great time, took the kids to Wild Waves (bad idea on a hot August Saturday), and then finished the day enjoying the Happy Hour at the Embassy Suites and a delicious dinner at the Outback. Sunday morning I was able to be the race shuttle in the mama mobile equipped with a new DVD player. I was quite popular - although seem to be loved just for my Garfield movies (the kids) and my knack for charming extra gin and tonics from the Embassy Bartender at Happy Hour (Chris).
I'm on it next year, though. Stay tuned for pictures of my studly thighs (sans the tatoo).
